Sunday, April 6, 2008

Three stories


Yesterday we were all in the LCBO when Lara noticed an interesting bottle of Beau's All-Natural Lug Tread Lagered Ale an organic beer made in nearby Vankleek Hill. As we discussed what exactly "Lagered Ale" would taste like, a random guy came up and politely interrupted in order to go into a semi-long description of India Pale Ales, bitterness comparisons, etc... and he didn't even work in the store. He was really helpful, so I hope he wasn't offended when Kiernan piped in about halfway through his description with the most sarcastic "Wwwwow!" I've ever heard.


Last night, after bath, we attempted to squeeze a squirming child into his pyjamas, with him expressing intently that it was vital that he immediately be in the bathroom brushing his teeth. Twisting out of our grasp, he headed across his bedroom with two feet sticking out of a single pant-leg. The funniest part was that he didn't seem to notice, but was very annoyed he wasn't moving as fast as he would like.


Kiernan was happily drinking his bottle in his mini-POÄNG, when suddenly, right in the middle of one of his favourite They Might Be Giants videos, he stood up, walked out of the room, and returned almost immediately, empty-handed. I was concerned as to what mischief he could have gotten into, even in such a short period of time, as he is quite creative. I investigated, and he had neatly placed the bottle in front of the dishwasher... which makes you think we're very diligent in putting dishes away, doesn't it?

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