Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Weekly Wednesday #22

Weekly Image:

Weekly Link:
The Impossible Task of Cutting Plastic Out of Your Life

Weekly Video:
I found this so sketch by Olde English hilarious. I've watched it four times so far, and I'll probably watch it again when I preview this blog post. Or maybe I'll take a break from blogging and watch it again now.

Weekly Workplace:
Another password change, so I've been there for six months!

Weekly Wondering:
Did the anonymous commenter from last Wednesday break down and watch the Weekly Video?


Anonymous said...

no, and I still wanna know what's in it.

(slightly) less cynical said...

It's got lots of licking.

Anonymous said...

but it's not like someone's licking a cheese grater or something gross, right?

(slightly) less cynical said...

It's completely blood-free licking, don't worry.